Farm park map
The complete countryside experience… whether it’s a family day out, romantic meal, a light lunch after a wander around the orchards or just a trip to our award winning farm shop. Enjoy the delights of Cornish food, drink, countryside and produce all in one place! Open from 8am daily and free to visit.

Trevaskis Market and Farmhouse Restaurant
Open daily 8am – 8pm, TM houses our butchery, fishmonger, deli, frozen goods and extensive wine selection, as well as a wealth of home grown and locally sourced fresh produce.
Find everything from toilet paper and toothpaste to luxury organic chocolate and Camel Valley wine.
Open daily serving breakfasts, light lunches, hearty roasts and a decadent evening a la carte menu.
Tea, coffee and a fantastic selection of cakes and desserts available all day.

Car Park
Free parking close to Trevaskis Market and Restaurant. Spaces nearest the restaurant reserved for disabled parking.
Gravel covered car–park with further overflow parking.

Shop Car Park
Free parking close to Trevaskis Market

Patch the Pony, Sheep, Lambs and Goats
Farming in the traditional way, we rotate animals and crops to ensure soil for crops and living conditions for animals are kept at optimum standards.
Animals aerate and break up soil, helping to create nutrient rich ground for growing crops.
You will find Patch the Welsh Moorland pony, Rusty and Dusty the goats and Miss Piggy the tame British Lop pig amongst others in our animal paddocks. This group of mismatched friends will be delighted to see you and your children.

Donkeys – Tilly and Flo
Our resident Donkeys, Tilly and Flo can be heard at feed time, neighing to passers-by. Come and say hello!

Animal Paddocks
Farming in the traditional way, we rotate animals and crops to ensure soil for crops and living conditions for animals are kept at optimum standards.
Animals aerate and break up soil, helping to create nutrient rich ground for growing crops.
You will find Patch the Welsh Moorland pony, Rusty and Dusty the goats and Miss Piggy the tame British Lop pig amongst others in our animal paddocks. This group of mismatched friends will be delighted to see you and your children.

Vegetable Cropping Area
In rotation with pig and piglet areas, cabbages, swedes, Brussel Sprouts and many other vegetables that supply Trevaskis Restaurant and Market are grown here.
This working area is not open to the public.

Our Energy Supply
All our solar energy is consumed on-site, reducing our carbon footprint.

Pig and Piglet Pens
These are our British Lop sows that have recently farrowed (given birth) or are due to farrow.
They are housed in special farrowing houses in open pens.

Geese and Ducks
This area is patrolled by West of England geese.

Our bees are busy pollinating all our fruit and vegetable crops, helping us get successful crops year on year.

Animal Paddock
Farming in the traditional way, we rotate animals and crops to ensure soil for crops and living conditions for animals are kept at optimum standards.
Animals aerate and break up soil, helping to create nutrient rich ground for growing crops.
You will find Patch the Welsh Moorland pony, Rusty and Dusty the goats and Miss Piggy the tame British Lop pig amongst others in our animal paddocks. This group of mismatched friends will be delighted to see you and your children.

Apple Orchards - 8 Varieties, Cooking and Eating
Find eight varieties of established cooking and eating apples including varieties such as Katy, Greensleeves, Sunset, Queen Cox, Malling Kent and Bramley, all available for Pick Your Own.

Working Yard
No Access Please

Organic Kitchen Garden Picnic Area
Always open to the public, this tranquil area is surrounded by fruit trees, a habitat pond and our mulberry bush (many school children have joined hands and sung around this, so feel free! No one’s watching…)
A delightful picnic spot.

Organic Herb Garden, Vegetable Beds and Fruit Displays
A microcosm of life on the farm, this education centre shows traditional farming methods and demonstrates how, even on tiny patches of land, we can grow our own produce.

Organic Kitchen Garden Poly Tunnel
A useful ‘warm’ zone where we encourage early season vegetables such as potatoes and carrots as well as growing salads, lettuce, tomatoes, melons, aubergines, peppers, cucumbers and crops more accustomed to warm climates – watch out for figs, grapes, physalis, nectarines and peaches.
Please do not pick fruit or vegetables in this poly tunnel.

Strawberry Fruit Tunnels
Used in alternation during the strawberry season, these tunnels house our strawberries for Pick Your Own. Usefully grown on ‘table-tops’ to encourage a more prolific crop and to discourage slugs, insects and bad backs!
Signs show which tunnels are open for picking.
Our choice of varieties ensures strawberries are available from late May to early November.

Strawberry Fruit Tunnels
Used in alternation during the strawberry season, these tunnels house our strawberries for Pick Your Own. Usefully grown on ‘table-tops’ to encourage a more prolific crop and to discourage slugs, insects and bad backs!
Signs show which tunnels are open for picking.
Our choice of varieties ensures strawberries are available from late May to early November.

Plum & Cherry Orchard
Opal and Marjorie’s seedling plums grow alongside Sunburst and Stella cherries in this extensive young orchard.
Our plum crop is currently a lot more successful than our cherries!

Plum Tunnel
Three varieties of plums, Opal, Victoria and Marjorie’s, available both in The Market and to pick late summer.

Autumn Raspberries and Blackberries
Previously grown outside, new poly tunnels house our crops of raspberries and hybrid berries to protect them from ‘salt-burn’ – damage caused by the salty breeze blown up from the nearby coast.

New Apple Orchard - 15 Varieties
Over 15 new varieties of sumptuous eating apples, available from late August.

Bush Fruits: Gooseberries, Redcurrants and Blackcurrants
The best gooseberries and currants are available in July.
Our bush fruits are all available for Pick Your Own, while our chefs preserve the fruit in the old fashioned way by making delicious jams and jellies.

Chicken Pens
Buff Orpington, Light Sussex, Welsummer, Rhode Island Red, Ixworth, Scotch Grey, White Marsh Daisy, Copper and Cuckoo Maran… find these breeds in their pens or taking turns to roam freely round the farm.
Our duck pen houses our Welsh Harlequin ducks and their handsome drake.

Cropping Area
Producing some of the 100 crops on site, which are then used in our Farmhouse Restaurant and sold in our Market

Loganberries, Tayberries and Tummelberries
Previously grown outside, new poly tunnels house our crops of raspberries and hybrid berries to protect them from ‘salt-burn’ – damage caused by the salty breeze blown up from the nearby coast.

Early Raspberries
Our early raspberries, available from mid-June.

Peas, Beans and Sweetcorn
Broad beans, Runner beans, Shelling Peas, Sugarsnap Peas and Mangetout cropping throughout the summer months, used both in Our Market and Restaurant as well as being available for Pick Your Own.

Private Residence - No Access
This area is not open to the public.

Private Residence - No Access
This area is not open to the public.
"50 years ago there was hardly a tree on the farm, but now after years of thoughtful planting, it’s like an oasis viewed from any direction."
Paul Eustice
Founder and Owner